PeckerPacker manufactures and sells innovative, affordable, and safe foreskin stretching devices to customers around the globe. My blog contains a wealth of information for beginners including helpful websites, a bit more information about PeckerPacker, and a taste of what it's like to stretch your foreskin.
Check out my videos to see my products in action! It can be hard to visualize how these unfamiliar products work and these should answer some questions you might not know you had.
Finally, browse the products in my store. Check out the SuperCanister Starter Kit. It's modular and can do a lot more with the right accessories, sold separately.
I'm Tyler. Owner of PeckerPacker.
We all discover we are different at some point; we can't help but compare ourselves to others around us. It's human nature. I remember coming home from school and asking my father why I look different than some of the other boys. I wondered if there was maybe another sex I wasn't aware of, or if it was some sort of deformity. Which one of us is the deformed one?! That is the day I learned about circumcision. I asked questions and was given the "safe for kids" version.
I forgot all about being circumcised until I was an adult. I'll never forget the first (and hopefully last) time I heard a baby boy getting circumcised. It was so painful to hear. As the elevator doors closed, I thought about the physician and nurses. I knew them all, and I couldn't imagine these kind people strapping down a baby boy and lopping off part of his body. It was terrifying and strange. I did a bit of research on the matter and remembered hearing about foreskin stretching from a friend. I thought "sounds good, maybe I'll do that sometime."
Years later, I started working through my own personal trauma and when I became preoccupied, I needed something to do. Something to put good energy back out there. When tugging wasn't enough for me, my husband encouraged me to start my own business selling devices.
I've been at it for several years and let me tell you, it's hard work. Every man should be happy with their body, and I help my customers along that path. My vision is for every man to have the option to tug. My mission is to create affordable, safe, effective foreskin stretching devices for men across the globe. Whether you purchase from me, someone else, or nobody at all, I wish you the best. Keep on Tuggin'!

This novelty device has not been evaluated or approved by any governing agency. The safety and effectiveness of this device have not been established by any agency or scientific study. The device is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition.
Users should consult with a qualified healthcare professional before using this device to ensure it is appropriate for their individual health needs and circumstances. The manufacturer makes no claims regarding the efficacy or safety of this device, and any use of the device is at the user's own risk.